Account Details | Apply Now
Term |
Minimum to Open |
Minimum Balance |
Interest Rate |
Prime Index CD2 |
$500.00 |
$500.00 |
5.25% |
5.35% |
4 Month Special |
$500.00 |
$500.00 |
5.00% |
5.08% |
7 Month Special |
$500.00 |
$500.00 |
4.78% |
4.83% |
Your Flex CD (15 Month)1 |
$500.00 |
$500.00 |
4.24% |
4.31% |
15 Month Special |
$500.00 |
$500.00 |
4.34% |
4.41% |
Your Flex CD (35 Month)1 |
$500.00 |
$500.00 |
3.75% |
3.80% |
36 Month Special |
$500.00 |
$500.00 |
3.85% |
3.91% |
1Interest compounds quarterly and credits quarterly. Early withdrawal penalty is $50 (if closed before maturity or make withdrawals when the balance is below $10,000.00) Make 1 FREE withdrawal from your Flex CD each month as long as the balance is above $10,000 at the time of the withdrawal. Make deposits into your Flex CD as much as you like! A penalty may be imposed for any CD withdrawals before maturity. Fees may reduce earnings on an account.
2Terms of 12, 24 and 36 months available. Interest compounds quarterly and credits quarterly. Rate may change after the account is opened. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal.